03 September 2010

five on friday

I think I need some new blogs to stalk, I mean, follow.   These are all sites that come up on my google reader, and I love them, but I'm sure you're sick of me linking the same blogs.  Care to share any blogs you really love? 

a letter to my sons by creative mama
     love this - such a great idea.  I always intend to keep a journal for my kids - my midwife said she kept a journal for her kids and gave it to them on their 18th birthday - but at this point it would be pretty blank.  Maybe a letter on their birthday is a more realistic goal.

double exposures:  a DIY project from photojojo    

embroidered pillowcase cress by seventeen & em'

get ready for fall by creative mama 
     It's a little too warm here to really feel like fall's coming, but it's a good idea to "fall clean" and get rid of some of those broken summer toys in the back yard...

personal fall book list by simple mom
     What's on your fall book list?  Right now I'm reading Praying the Attributes of God with my MOMS steering team group, and I bought Tozer's book on the same subject, although it may be unrealistic to dive too deep right now.  We're reading Midnight's Children in my book club next (I love my book club - it really gets me out of reading the same ol' same ol'), and just finished O Pioneers! and The Good Earth - great books to read together and compare/contrast.  

And rather unrelated, but feeling like it's high time I included a photo, here's one from last weekend's wedding.  This is my friend Alisa from my first year of college - what a fun reunion!  You can see more on Kim's blog - she usually posts more photos than one (I'm a slacker, I know!;)


Jessica Lynn said...

I stalk your blog all the time, so feel free to stalk...er...follow mine if you're ever bored! I'm actually having a "cupcake party" called a Bake-N-Blog that is looking to be a lot of fun.

I like all the links you post, the wannabee photographer in me is always finding something new and interesting through them!

Anonymous said...

you can follow mine !LOL
Next week i am recommitting again to it www.everydaymoments.mycandidmoments.com

Daniela said...

Hey Ellen-
Here are a few blogs I like for creative inspiration. Don't know if you follow these already or not:


Ellen said...

Thanks for the recommendations! I love soule mama - off to check out the rest...