30 August 2010

Five on Friday: more links

Check out this cool video (I found the link from the maternal lens).  It almost makes me want to be pregnant again.  Almost. ;)

This studio has a post on a college book they worked on, including some behind-the-scenes lighting shots.  I've always loved natural light, but it makes me want to play around with my ocf a little.  No really, not almost like the pregnancy comment.  I really do want to play with different lighting. 

Happy School Year from Creative Mama - how cute is this idea?  I was doing good to make sure my oldest had his backpack on the first day of preschool, but I applaud moms who make homemade sugar cookes in handmade cones for the whole class.  It doesn't make me feel bad about being a slacker at all.  No, really.  What's with my sarcasm today?!? ;)

I love the birth photography on this photographer's blog.  Makes me wish my babies didn't require a scalpel for birth.

And the long thread does Etsy Finds Friday - it's always fun to find more ways to spend money on esty. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the links!