Is it really already the third week of June? Where is the summer going? I have three weddings I haven't blogged, photos of my own kids to print, I'm doing a 30 day photo challenge on facebook, just finished a book trilogy that sucked my days clean, finished my first quilt (thanks, Ali!) and my house has yet to get a spring cleaning (as in ever). We saw Stinky Feet at the library today, got some fun clothes for the 4th of July parade, and splashed a little in the spray park. My husband and I were given tickets to a Sarah McLachlan concert - wow, can she still sing, and wow do we feel old. ;)
The middle baby got a fat lip from her brother last night, and the baby still cries in just about every photo where I'm not holding him. The oldest has decided he isn't too old for Disney cars anymore (whew), and I still need to rename this blog, because I don't really condsider it to be just a "photography blog" at this point.
Here's some fun links that are speaking to me right now...anyone have any other links to share?
A Simpler State of Mind from Creative Mama. Yep.
Soulful Mothering with Anna Maria Horner (guest post on soulemama) - sharing space
When Should My Child Begin Music Lessons? from simplehomeschool
Have Yourself an Inspired Little Summer from simle mom
Reversible Hood tutorial from made
And a little moment to share, about the above-mentioned boy who decided he isn't too old to play with cars (which makes mama happy):

What was the trilogy?
Let's see the quilt!
And isn't it amazing how quickly the summer goes, how much you can cram into longer days, and how busy you can get when you "don't work"?
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series - it's addictive!! ;)
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