27 November 2010

weekend links

How cool is this diy play kitchen?  I'm thinking probably not for this Christmas, but maybe I can brush up on (er, learn) some woodworking skills and maybe next year...

I honestly didn't quite get the family home night idea in this post, but I like the idea for sorting papers on the fridge...

Does it count if all of these posts are from the same blog?  I'm looking for ideas for the two-year-old when brother's doing lessons next year.  Here's one...

Always on the quest for new hat patterns.  Which is a little silly, considering I've only made a handful and have dozens of patterns already I can choose from.  I think I collect ideas for projects..

And here's one I can't believe no one has thought of before now...a tablecloth play house.  I know, right?!

Speaking of all these handmade ideas, I love this one from Chelsey - Small Business Saturday!   We were actually in the mountains cutting down our tree today, so we didn't do any shopping (um, I don't do any shopping on Black Friday either), but I like this as an idea in general over the holidays - making things yourself or supporting local businesses...more on Christmas ideas soon. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I collect projects too -- as you know I could end up snowed in for weeks with nothing to do (Ha Ha).