10 September 2010

five on friday

How to Bring Peace to the Witching Hour - so, so true.  That last part of the day is what drives me bonkers.  The middle baby is cranky from post-nap until bed for the most part, and the oldest has chosen this time of day to continuously pick on her, which obviously doesn't help matters.  I have found that getting out in the back yard keeps me a little sane, and the idea of using this time to do more creative activities is perfect...off to buy some finger paint!!  Anyone else have suggestions for keeping peace during the last part of the day? 

180 days.  Which reminds me how badly neglected my 365 blog is right now...Anyway, I think I've made clear my love-hate relationship with scrapbooking, but I love this idea for recording a school year.  Especially since it involves a photo sleeve book, which isn't as time-intensive as a scrapbook page.

Back to basics:  Create a home that will last generations.  Another great blog post by simple mom.  We're at this point right now - when #3 was born and we had him sleeping in the dining room, we were looking at bigger houses in better school districts, but we really like our mortgage, so we've been a little more creative at making this one work for us.  The playroom has been a huge help (I need to decorate more, then I'll post photos, I promise).  Anyone have playroom ideas they care to share?

Photography Tutorial:  A Quick Guide to your DSLR by Kevin and Amanda - scrapbookers who give a quick overview of using your dslr - I have a lot of people ask me for help on getting more control over their camera.  I think this article is a great summary.  If you're looking for more, the book Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson is excellent - easy to understand with great illustrations.  I wish I'd had that one in college instead of my 500 pound photography textbook written in latin.  Just kidding, sort of.  ;)

Location & Inspiration - another great photography article on finding locations, or rather making just about any location work.  Sometimes people will tell me, "I never would have picked this place, that full sun..." and I think from working weddings with Kim for several years, I'm just used to going with the flow and making wherever it is, whatever time of day work (you'd never tell a bride, "I'm sorry, I can't do your photos because it isn't cloudy out or it isn't the 'golden hour').  You'd be amazed how you can make just about anywhere and any time work!

Since I'm getting ready to leave for a weekly park date with some of my favorite mommies, I'll leave you with a photo - we were talking about needing to be in more photos ourselves, so I put on the timer, balanced it on a stroller, and ran in for a quick snap (I didn't even edit the dark circles under my eyes - ha!).  Take a photo with YOU in it today...


Anonymous said...

I wish I had a play room -- but I am making do with organzing using fabric bins from Target. They are not a perfect soultion, but I love that they are flexible and easy for the kids to use (they also are in colors so I have some for down here that blend more, some for their rooms that are colorful and clearly colors for each kid -- I also let go oof 'perfect'. Every quarter or so I go through and put all the like things together just to make sure I have all the parts to things, then as time goes on as llong as things are put into bins and out of the way I am happy. One day I hope to have a bookcase with cubes in it that I can put the bins in (but until then...)

I also love using chalk board paint on the table -- was a great idea along with framing out sections of the wall for their art (have not done this as I don't have walls lol)

I also got document frames from Target and am framing their art, I plan to hang a collage in the living area or my bedroom or office, then rotate what is in the frames -- I am full of ideas just no time and no money.

Chelsey said...

I'm excited to check out all the links! (sigh) the witching hour ... I don't even know where to begin! I'll save you the drama of today's witching hour ... but it was a doozy. Maybe the solution is that dads (or moms who have stay at home husbands) come home from work at 3 ... so they can deal with it ;)