Anyway, adorable photo, no? Send me your t-shirt size, Chelsea, and mailing address so I can send you a fun t-shirt! And since I'm a slacker, I decided to do a winner-up prize (and because I think these are so cute: sticker frames). So (drumroll again....) Jennifer White - please send me your mailing address so I can send you some fun sticker frames for photos of your adorable boy!
And I should show you my highly-scientific method of picking winners on my blog sometime. Hint: It involves folded post-it notes and a basket. ;)
ummmm.....morning sickness - is that why you didn't have a marg at my house?!?!!
ummmmmmm...morning sickness?! Is that why you didn't have a marg at my house?!?!
Yep! ;)
Sounds like there is a congratulations in order! How exciting!!
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