12 March 2012

(February) Project 12: Horizons

Last month's theme was resolve.   It seems so long ago I had my list of resolutions/goals for the year...healthier eating, stretching myself creatively.  I envisioned February's theme of "horizons" much differently - a vast stretch of NM desert that I've learned to appreciate more after having moved away and moved back.

That was before a lump was found, before a barrage of tests and appointments with doctors who were "concerned" and ultimately a diagnosis.  Before the words "chemo" and "surgery" and "survival rate."  And now the concept of "horizon" seems so much different...my new resolution, and only resolution this year, is to beat cancer.  My long term resolutions are simple:  to watch my children graduate and grow old with my husband.  It's amazing how quickly our priorities can get set straight.  The blinds in the kitchen nook that keep falling down are no longer important.  Business goals are on the back burner.  Dishes piling up in the kitchen go unnoticed as I sit down on the kitchen floor with Veggie Tales play dough strewn about between the two younger kids.  

And the image that came to mind for this month was an old one...one from my photography class in college.  Done on a hand-me-down film camera and processed in a darkroom.  Beautiful black and white images need whites and blacks and grays in between.  I'm reminded that it wouldn't be as striking without the dark.  Without the contrast to make the light seem that much brighter.  And that couldn't be more true than right now.  

"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship." - Louisa May Alcott

1 comment:

sherri said...

Beautiful image. Beautiful heart. ♥ The thing is...when I think of you, I see that your heart and priorities were always in the right place. I had just been admonishing my oldest to be kind to people a few weeks ago. I used you as an example. I said that one time someone said to me that Ellen Benson never says anything bad about anyone. I've stopped and thought about that many times since, because after thinking about it, I realized she was right. To be someone who never says anything dishonoring about anyone is a beautiful thing. I also see your heart for your children, and your beautiful smile, and how easy going you are. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that it doesn't surprise me that you've let this dark make you even more beautiful. Love you. ♥