30 May 2011

catching up...

 ...someone finished their last day of preschool.  ever. *sniffle*

 ...someone just turned three (and is, apparently, the long-lost twin princess sister of Guy Fawkes)

...and someone is mastering the fine art of throwing temper tantrums. ;)


Chelsey said...

{sigh} I need to do a post like this. Wonderful to catch up with you. Lovely - just lovely ;)

sherri said...

Look at that little pixie! She's so cute with her hair like that. I admit I had to google Guy Fawkes. Does that make me a loser? I'm not sure.

Ellen said...

ha - no, I think it makes me a loser that I do know who he is! ;)

carmacarmeleon said...

Love the middle picture! She is TOO CUTE!