19 December 2010

weekend links

I just saw this in my drafts folder and realized I started this two weeks ago...oops!  Probably old news, but...

more handmade Christmas present ideas:  personalized ornaments, love the cake in a jar and personalized clothespin hangers, countdown calendar from the longthread.com, Pioneer Woman's cookie week,
Handmade Snowflake Ornaments by creative mama, or this felt polaroid ornament (cute!), handmade cards for kids

I have a guest post on Chelsey's blog - you can read more about the bedtime bags I made for my kids for Christmas!

an interesting photo idea - not sure if I'm brave enough, but I like the premise...31 strangers in 31 days

and this photographer is doing a great series of creative exercises on her blog...I may have to join in after Christmas.  

fellow photographer is having her own version of Oprah's favorite things giveaway...what a great idea!

It may be after Christmas before I post again - if so, have a very Merry Christmas!!


carmacarmeleon said...

I LOVE the idea of 31 strangers in 31 days. But ... and you probably won't believe this ... I'm kind of shy. I don't know if I could go up to strangers and talk and take their picture. I do TALK to strangers, all the time in fact, but something about "capturing" them - in a purely nonkidnapping way, of course - is a little terrifying.

Anonymous said...

Love your link posts and this bag idea -- so going to do this next year!