01 October 2010

five on friday

Shutter Sisters has another great inspirational posts on your "style statement"  - "Your Style Statement is the two words that define the true you. It's a touchstone for making more powerful choices in your life – from your wardrobe to your living room, your relationships to your career plans. Your Style Statement is where your essence meets your expression." - Danielle LaPorte and Carrie McCarthy, Style Statement: Live by Your Own Design. Good food for thought - I wonder how I would define my style in two words...

A simplified morning routine from zen habits - ah...mornings kill me!  I just read (well, skimmed really) a book I picked up randomly from the library on living simply with children (sounds like an oxymoron, right?) and one of the things I realized is I need to go to bed earlier and rise before the kids so I can have a few moments to myself.  I've been putting it off partly because walking is on my list of things to do in the morning, and I'm too lazy (ha!), but maybe if I embrace the fact that isn't my best time to exercise and just get up early for some coffee and quiet time, I'll be more likely to stick to it...

Another thing to add to my ever-growing list of things to make - the chloe sweater from never not knitting.  I love the edging...

And speaking of - I've been waiting for this fabric to come in, and just in time I found this fun blog post that inspired me for the little girl's big girl room (fortunately I have some time before she gets her own room)...

And the last one isn't a link, it's that my baby is ten months today...


Chelsey said...

Love all the links you share! And looking fwd to the winter lull so I can peruse them all ;) cannot believe 10 months - say it ain't so! I just can't believe it.

Maria said...

We have some of the sleeping beauty print and it's too cute, and Gianna has that same ikea bed but in white, she loves it!! I hope I can pick up some knitting skills this summer, wish I could go out knitting with you and Carmela!! Time is flying by, seems like you were the pregnant one yesterday :)

Kat said...

I love the pumpkin hat!