08 October 2010

five on friday (aka weekend links)

Should I rename "Five on Friday" to "Weekend Links?"  I saw that on another blog, which seems appropriate for what my "five" typically are, and then I don't always have to post on Friday.  Hmmm....

Now that it's going to start getting chilly out (hopefully, anyway!), I'm on the lookout for some rainy or cold inside activities to do with the little ones.  This is probably a little advanced, but I like the idea -angry chicken's mona lisa style self portrait

simple mom always gets me thinking... fall projects for your home  and ten questions to encourage engaged parenting

made tutorial (these are adorable) - bert and ernie shirts

felted bucket hats from the purl bee - almost makes me want to learn how to crochet.  Oh, wait - I'm still learning how to knit. ;)

family traditions for the morning hours from steady mom

And one of my favorite signs of fall in New Mexico...the Balloon Fiesta!  


Jen said...

ohhh balloon fiesta! my hubby is from albq. and was on a chase crew for years... sure makes us want to go back! :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful! I Know that the festival must be so amazing to watch.