at five months:
1. weighs 19 pounds (he obviously doesn't eat, poor baby!)
2. rolls from his tummy to his back
3. loves to be held. and walked.
4. is thoroughly entertained by his older brother and sister
5. is a neverending fountain of drool
Am I ready to come out of maternity leave/hibernation yet? Here's an answer: I took photos of a sweet senior last fall. Her parents ordered wallets a while ago, and the mother sweetly asked me Sunday at church, "Have Emily's wallets come in?" Ummmm...wallets? I'm sure the look of confusion on my face was a great photo in itself. When I got home, sure enough - there were the wallets on my printer. That I ordered weeks ago. I delivered them the next day and the sweet mom asked, "How much do I owe you?" Ummmmm...you didn't pay yet? Seriously, quality control here people. I can't even keep up with one order of wallets - I don't see how I can be trusted with an entire session right now. Maybe someday. ;)
That is too funny! :)
LOL! You totally have me cracking up at that one. "Quality control here people" teehee Hey, it happens. We're busy mamas after all! Enjoy the maternity leave. :)
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